Co-Lead Colorado Fluvial Hazard Mapping Program
Co-authors of the FHZ Delineation Protocol—a document which compiles and synthesizes the current body of knowledge within the discipline of fluvial geomorphology into an actionable framework for the identification of areas which are subject to erosion and depositional hazards within a stream corridor and in adjacent lands. Worked for six years to develop the technical protocol and background studies and to test, revise, and implement the FHZ mapping protocol on approximately 500 miles of stream throughout the state of Colorado, in both developed and undeveloped settings. Provided independent, third-party reviews for other groups and consultants who are performing FHZ mapping around the state. Additionally, and importantly, RRD also compiled administrative best practices and strategies for land use within Fluvial Hazard Zones, developed a Model Ordinance for FHZ overlay districts, and authored a series of FHZ fact sheets that are available on the ColoradoFHZ.com website. Co-developed numerous workshops, trainings, and presentations that are aimed at educating a wide audience about Fluvial Hazard Zone maps - from their technical development to their use at the community level.

Flood Recovery

Technical Assistant for State of Colorado 2013 Colorado Flood recovery effort
Served the State of Colorado to guide the 2013 flood recovery effort through direct technical assistance to the State, coalitions, and local communities implementing long-term recovery projects. Conducted Disaster Survey Response (DSR’s) on behalf of CWCB. Provided design review, design, and construction oversight to support implementation of over $80 million in federally funded stream restoration projects. Combined knowledge of science and planning with infrastructure constraints to improve the overall resiliency and ecological function of projects.

Exigent Permitting for CWCB/NRCS, Colorado Flood-Affected Sites, CO
Coordinated with NRCS engineers and local sponsors to develop and submit pre-construction notification
applications to the Army Corps of Engineers during the Phase 1 Emergency Watershed Protection project cycle in
2014.  Coordinated with the Corps and NRCS engineers to ensure notification documents were complete and could
be fast-tracked for permitting without delay.  Assisted in the tracking of progress and communication to ensure
that all possible projects were designed, permitted, and constructed ahead of spring-runoff.


Geomorphic Assessment, Rio Grande, Conejos, and Saguache Creek, CO
Conducted rapid geomorphic assessments of large diverse watersheds to identify process constraints and opportunities for restoration in support of a Stream Management Plan.

Master Planning, Fish Creek and Fall River, CO
Compiled initial list of project ideas for the Fish Creek and Fall River master plans as a result of field observations.
Contributed to the development of additional project ideas proposed by the planning committee.  Provided
feedback and comments to Master Plan and drawing sets.

Hwy 36 Channel Rehabilitation, North St. Vrain and Little Thompson Rivers, CO
Co-developed preliminary designs for reconstruction of the North St. Vrain and Little Thompson Rivers in the
vicinity of the Phase 1 Hwy 36 reconstruction.  Quantified materials, staging sites, and assisted in the project
permitting and post-construction monitoring.

Construction Oversight

North Fork Big Thompson River Emergency Watershed Protection Phase 2, CO
Directed equipment operators to implement habitat and bedform reconstruction of North Fork Big Thompson River
and its floodplain in Drake, Colorado.  Field fit engineered-supplied design based on daily
changes in available materials, equipment, weather conditions and team goals. Developed innovations in utilization of plant materials for bioengineering.

Highway 43 Post-Flood Stream Restoration, North Fork, Big Thompson River, CO
Directed equipment operators to implement habitat and bedform reconstruction of North Fork Big Thompson River
and its floodplain along miles of Highway 43 near Glen Haven.  Field fit USFS-supplied preliminary design based on daily
changes in available materials, equipment, weather conditions and team goals.

Hwy 36 Channel Rehabilitation, North St. Vrain and Little Thompson Rivers, CO
Developed the preliminary design set for the reconstruction of the North St. Vrain and Little Thompson Rivers in
the vicinity of the Phase 1 Hwy 36 reconstruction.  Quantified materials and assisted in the project permitting.
Instructed ACC backhoe operators with the installation of a low-flow channel, bars, constructed riffles, habitat
boulders, pools, root wads, and deflectors.

Apple Valley Exigent Sites, North St. Vrain River, CO
Coordinated with Crane Associates to develop designs and permit for exigent work at Apple Valley in Lyons.
Provided field oversight of Frontier Environmental equipment to implement innovative streambank stabilization

Facilitation and Coordination with Local Stream Coalitions

Measurable Results, Project Lead, CO
Facilitated the development of project based monitoring plans and data collection for local watershed coalitions
including the Eagle River Watershed Council, Alamosa River Restoration Foundation, Rio Grande Headwaters
Partnership, and the Willow Creek Partnership.  Developed monitoring plans and monitoring methodologies for
several Colorado Stream Restoration Grant funded projects including the Slate River, San Miguel River, and Middle
Boulder Creek.

Watershed Coordinator, Friends of the Mad River, VT
Provided organizational development and administration to a non-profit community watershed association for
four years.  Implemented watershed conservation plan and organized and managed volunteer efforts to assist
with projects.  Provided education and outreach through newsletters, press releases, workshops, promotional
materials, and the production of an educational booklet.  Advocated the mission at local and state government
meetings and through one on one contact with residents and stakeholders.  Improved the financial resources of
the organization through fundraising and grant writing.