Our team is comprised of the three lead authors of the FHZ Delineation Protocol—a document which compiles and synthesizes the current body of knowledge within the discipline of fluvial geomorphology into an actionable framework for the identification of areas which are subject to erosion and depositional hazards within a stream corridor and in adjacent lands. We have been working together for six years to develop the technical protocol and background studies and to test, revise, and implement the FHZ mapping protocol on approximately 500 miles of stream throughout the state of Colorado, in both developed and undeveloped settings. This team is also providing independent, third-party reviews for other groups and consultants who are performing FHZ mapping around the state.
Additionally, and importantly, RRD also compiled administrative best practices and strategies for land use within Fluvial Hazard Zones, developed a Model Ordinance for FHZ overlay districts, and authored a series of FHZ fact sheets that are available on the ColoradoFHZ.com website.
This team has developed numerous workshops, trainings, and presentations that are aimed at educating a wide audience about Fluvial Hazard Zone maps - from their technical development to their use at the community level.
Our team will be continuing to work with the CWCB on FHZ program development and support for the next five years, which will maintain this team as the most knowledgeable and up-to-date group on Fluvial Hazard Zones in the nation.